In a message dated 04/01/98 23:21:02, you write:
<< Would it be worthwhile to make a carpet covered plywood piece which
fitsbetween the headrests >>
Not really, for "deep penetration" you need a platform over the actuating
tube. Unfortunately anything with enough depth limits the width, as you have
to get it through the D first. I have made an inverted U platform to the
following dimensions, using 3/4" chip/blockboard.
Platform Length 38", width 21 "
Sides attached along the length 38" x 7 1/2"
braced with corner triangles.
Side extenders 38" x 2" (with ply overlap strips to align with fixed sides
along the length. Dowels might do instead)
The platform can then be slipped through the D, and the side extenders fed in
below to get the required height. This will take the full weight of your
(manly) chest, and leave both hands free. My only problem is to keep the cat
---From following me in. Pity he won't learn to do the job for me (:-))
Graham G-EMIN