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Re: Re: More questions ??

Subject: Re: Re: More questions ??
From: Jim Naylor <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 10:38:34

>Seems there may be a terminology tangle on the question of sealing the rudder
>pedal tubes where they pass through the inside of the footwell. In the manual
>on page 23-2 it suggests sealing these slots since this is also the firewall.
>My method seems a tad complex and I was wondering how others did it.

I used offcuts from the phenolic firewall. Drilled two holes to match the
tubes, then cut it in half through the hole centres and bolted the halves to
the side wall to completely seal the gaps.

Dave Watts.

I used the same method as Dave, with the addition of RTV High temperature
silicon sealant. If you coat the tubes with grease where they go through
the fire wall, you can run a bead of sealant around the tube which makes a
good seal when it sets.

Jim Naylor

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