> > >thats looks amazingly like the compasses found on a Tornado!
> > >
> > 'Cause it is....
> Looks like we will have to add hardpoints to the Europa to keep up with the
> Tornado :-)
> Tony
Someone else design the military version of the Europa, please. I'm still
working on how to be able to retract the double bogey tandem landing gear the
Europa 2000 requires using only a few hundred feet of bungie cord, a piano
hinge, and a broom handle!
Yours in Europaness,
Steve Genotte
Perhaps that's why the MRCA (Tornado working title, aka Multi-Role Combat
Aircraft) became known in the RAF as Mother Riley's Cardboard Aircraft (Or
Must Refurbish Canberras Again) - they spent too long devising the broom
and bungee stowage so they didn't get dumped along with the brake 'chute!
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