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Re: All past e-mails!

Subject: Re: All past e-mails!
From: Rowland and Wilma Carson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:42:01
CesarFdez wrote:

>Does anyone know if it is possible to get all past Europa e-mails all
in the

>same text file? or at least several months together?


>I know I can get a month at a time by writing:


>get europa europa.YYMM

I always write:

get europa.YYMM

and that works fine - the europa listname is optional as there are no
files on this machine belonging to other lists that have filename
conflicts. You can put several of these commands in a single e-mail
request, but they will come back as separate files. Many e-mail clients
don't like messages as big as a month's worth of Europa chatter anyway
and will split them up into chunks that they find digestible.

Why do you need them transmitted to you all in one file? You can always
concatenate them after receipt if desired. If you use Eudora for your
e-mail (much more sensible and capable than a browser for this purpose,
IMHO) you can select several messages by shift-clicking and then select
"save as" from the "file" menu to save them all in a single text file.
If you forget to do it that way, you can always use a text editor
(BBEdit works for me!) or word processor to make a combined document.

I have all the postings in a single file (and I mean ALL - it's just
under 10MB at present), but it's a database file so I can easily sort &
search etc. Contact me direct if you want more details about how to do
that. (I think I see another FAQ entry coming up ...) Please note that
I am not prepared to use my online time in sending a 10M file to

>Also what is the earliest date of a Europa e-mail?



Peter Thomas wrote a message with the subject line


The First Live Message !!"
and it was posted to the list at


11:37:29 on



I guess you would find the "index europa" command useful. It will
return a list of all files available in the archives. The command
"help" will return a list of all available commands with brief details
of their use.



... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...

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