For those who, like Gavin & Anne, had trouble with Tim's attachment, I have
taken the liberty of converting it to plain text - there didn't appear to
be anything lost in this process.
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Pitot/Static Tube Installation by Tim Ward
1. Using a hole drill cut a circular piece of 6mm plywood about 40mm diameter.
2. Using a smaller hole drill cut into the above ply another hole the size
of the inner circular part of the pitot/static tube.
3. Position the pitot/static tube into that hole and mark the bolt holes
and drill.
4. To insert the nuts into the ply, choose a drill that is not quite the
full size of the nut diameter and drill in the nut side 5mm.
5. Insert the nuts into the holes and lightly tap down with a hammer.
6. Place the pitot/static tube into position with bolts and tighten the
nuts into position. (use some glue sparingly if necessary)
8. Withdraw the nuts and file out the inner hole to allow the 2 PVC
pitot/static tubes to comfortably slide through .
1. Mark the position on the foam for the pitot/static tube as per the
manual. Including a line at right angles to the spar across the chord for
the direction of the pitot/static tube on the wing.
2. Using the same hole drill as you did in 1. above and mark with a felt
pen on the drill the depth of the ply(6mm).
3. Drill into the foam at the marked position, to the required depth for
the ply and cut out the foam not right through to the lightening hole.
4. Remove foam from around the outer circumference however not right to the
top surface of the foam, for flox. (I used a small sanding disc the size of
the hole)
5. Place the ply into the hole and mark the inner hole for the pitot/static
tube. Refine the hole to fit the ply comfortably with the top surface being
level with the foam surface.
6. Cut or drill out the foam for the pitot/static tube.
7. Place the bolts into the ply and tighten enough on the nuts to not quite
protrude the ply surface.
8. Cover the nut holes individually with masking tape to stop flox entering.
9. Mix up some flox and cover the outer circumference of the hole and on
the bottom surface of the ply avoiding the nuts!!
10.Place ply into position and line up the arrow on the ply with the line
across the chord for the direction of the pitot/static tube.
11. Place flox around the ply (not to protrude the surface) an allow to
cure. Before leaving the workshop just turn the bolts to make sure flox has
not set in.
NOTE: I will use plastocine to cover the bolt holes when doing the first
lay-up of the wing surface . Also spread flox over the ply for a good bond.
When bonding the cores onto the spar I feed the pitot/static PVC tubes
through to the wing root as I can see that may be a devil of a task later
on. This now allows one to service the pitot/static tube connections as it
can be removed easily and replaced .
Tim Ward
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... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...