With regard to the Icelandic daydreams..........
My first crossing was in 1957, my first jet crossing was 1958 (yes, Lockheed
T33. If you want the overshoot procedure for Narssasuak (Bluie West 1) , "on
loss of visual contact at any time thoughout the approach: Military Climb Power
to 17,000ft, turn short way to 360, reduce to Vref + 35 and descend at 50 fpm.
When the engine stops, shutdown and seek shelter."
My last crossing was Aug 1989 (428th) with all the amenities inherent in a
modern flying village....
Unsolocitted advice for crossing from Faroes to Iceland:
1. Anytime between 18Jul and 10Aug;
2. Treat every crossing as your last floght plan;
3. Treat every practising meteorologist as the Dean;
4. Make him promise a minimum of 3000ft and 6nm viz for four hours
centred on your ETA.
Ship your personal goods ahead. Carry a toothbrush, three chocolate bars and
your dinghy attached by lantard to your exposure suit. All else is frippery.
"Beyond Iceland" is Burlington On enroute OSH, but give us some
Happy landings
Ferg Kyle
Europa Builder #A064