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Re: Beyond Iceland

Subject: Re: Beyond Iceland
From: Gramin <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:59:25
In a message dated 19/01/98  19:56:41, Fergus wrote:

<< My first crossing was in 1957, 1958 the 428th >>

Wow, I thought I might become the oldest crosser - looks as if there's been a
continuous procession all century - ah well there still has to be a first

<<1. Anytime between 18Jul and 10Aug;>>

Bit early for Osh but no doubt there are other targets ?

<< 2. Treat every crossing as your last flight plan;>>

I was thinking the same thing - indeed last flight !
I even get cold in bed these days so liferaft would probably be pointless.
Anyway I wouldn't be thinking about it if I thought the Rotax knew what was
below. I'm not sure I want to know how many haven't made it, but don't
remember any headlines.  Maybe there are so many in that category  it isn't
news any more  (:-))

<<   4. Make him promise a minimum of 3000ft and 6nm viz for four hours
centred on your ETA.>>

promises, promises

<<Carry ......three chocolate bars>>

Chocaholics like me need that every hour - must try Cadburys for sponsorship.

<<Europa Builder #A064>> Come on Fergus, get a move on and meet me half way.

Your advice really appreciated - the direct email list just doubled.  Uk
flyers are still keeping their heads down, probably rightly so.  Maybe we need
a prize ?

Graham G-EMIN  

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