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Re: Final Adverture!!???!!!

Subject: Re: Final Adverture!!???!!!
From: <hlindsay@NMSU.Edu>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 11:05:40
>".....I too have a dream to fly around the US." 

To those of you "brave souls" planning an aerial circumnavigation of the
US....or just selectively visiting "round-'n-about" this magnificent country
of ours, please don't hesitate to include Las Cruces, New Mexico on your
itinerary.  I'm confident that acceptable logging, hangar space, ground
transportation, etc. could be provided.  You can find us on your world atlas
~45 miles directly north of El Paso, Texas (which would make it convenient
for those of you who so desired to visit OLD Mexico....a visit I would
personally NOT recommend at this point in time!).  We are a one hour drive
---From the well know "White Sands National Monument" (which is adjacent to
Holloman Air Force Base, the US "roost" for the "Stealth"/F-117 population)
and a short one and one-half hour flight to the airport adjacent to the
equally well known Carlsbad Caverns.  Lots of other interesting out-and-back
one-day-drive/short-flight opportunities, to include access to some
beautiful wilderness and mountain areas that I'm sure you would very much
enjoy visiting.  I'll bet I could even prevail on fellow EAA Chapter 555
member Frank Borman to provide you with a personal tour of his beautiful
hanger and its contents, which by then, I'm confident, will contain yet
another Oshkosh Grand Champion Warbird (his soon to be completed
"Kingcobra").  There is also a truly outstanding private warbird museum (War
Eagles Air Museum) located on an easily accessible public airport less than
50 minutes (by car) south of here.  You would not be disappointed.
Also...any golfers in the group?  Recommend you plan on a minimum of five
(5) days with us.  Would recommend that your next stop heading West be the
Phoenix area, or, if you are enroute to the East, a one day visit to the
Confederate Air Force facilities in the Midland-Odessa, Texas area would be
recommended.  As a matter of fact, you might want to make the visit to the
Carlsbad Caverns while enroute to Midland-Odessa?

If any of you are planning on attending Sun 'n Fun this year, this displaced
"Scotsman" (at least two or three generations removed) will be happy to
visit with you and provide additional details.  I will, in fact, bring a
package of "tourist" literature with me if you (ANY of "you") so desire.  

Should also mention that this "invitation" is extended to any of you
"overseas" builders out there in Europa-land.  

I'll bet there are other US builders out there in the "Europa@avnet"
community who would be willing to arrange similar "packages" and likewise
"competitive prices."  What a unique opportunity this would seem to be.

Should also point out that the "cost" of this package might include giving
some "buddy rides" to local EAA types.  Should perhaps note that you are
welcome at my house ("mi casa," as they say here in New Mexico) even if you
do not arrive in a Europa.

And YES, I am one of those people who prefers to keep this forum more
"aircraft-construction" oriented, but just could restrain my enthusiasm.
Appologies to all.  - Ed Lindsay, A0?9, Las Cruces, NM, USA -

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