> Peter S. Lert said:
> Everyone is supposed to monitor 121.5 mHz--and it's even OK to make
> _very_ short non-distress calls of the nature of "meet me on 122.95" or
> whatever.
> The unofficial North Atlantic "chat" freq, at least for the moment,
> seems to be 131.8 mHz.
Quite right. Everyone monitors 131.8 and 121.5 when out of VHF range of
Shanwick or Gander. A call on either frequency will bring up anyone within
about 200 miles of you. However, try 131.8 first, and only use 121.5 if
you can't raise anyone on that frequency. The big boys are always happy to
help anyone mad enough to fly a small aircraft so far from shore! It
relieves the boredom of droning along watching the computer fly the
Richard King
Bank Cottage, Great Comberton
Pershore, Worcestershire, WR10 3DP
Tel: 01386-710757, Fax: 01386-710777