-----Original Message-----
From: Melvin Cross [SMTP:mcross@aerodev.com]
Sent: 19 April 1998 21:45
Subject: Europa's for sale
Anyone interested in buying a completed and flying Europa can contact Martin
or Graham Brunwin at Kemble as they have Four to choose from :
G-WWWG - 118hp NSI engine, NSI VP Prop, Full panel including Skymap II, Terra
radio, XPNDR and Tri-Nav-C (VOR)
Stunning performance and stunning looks. =A343000 (Inc. VAT)
Job, makes this one of the nicest Europa's built. Includes
custom built, enclosed alloy trailer with fittings.
G-RATZ - Rotax 912, Skymap II, Terra radio and Transponder, Tail-wheel
Gelcoat finish. Fly's very well.
All of the above Aircraft include a 5 hour conversion course with Martin Stoner
at Kemble.
The aircraft can be viewed at Kemble by arrangement. Please contact Martin or
for full specifications.
Tel: 01285 770291