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RE: Fuel guage

Subject: RE: Fuel guage
From: Cope Dave M GELMSX <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 14:39:00

I presume you have retained a sight tube as the primary gauge.  Do you still
have it positioned at the front of CM?
I have yet to decide on a fuel guage, but most who I have spoken to are less
than impressed with the performance of the sight tube positioned so far away
---From the tank.

Dave Cope  #340

> ----------
> From:[]
> Subject:         Fuel guage
> Just thought I would give a follow up report on the installation of the
> fuel gauge, supplied by at Lyndhurst Tuchdown Services.
> I have had time now since the installation to evaluate its operation, and
> I'm pleased to say I am happy with it. It has proved to be reliable and
> give consistent readings.
> The installation proved slightly more difficult than anticipated, due to
> the shape of my fuel tank top, which was anything but flat. Also I tried
> to
> fit it as far back as possible, and found the thickness of the tank varies
> considerably close to the edges. This caused problems with sealing as the
> fittings are made from nylon, so clamping forces are low. I made a new
> lower clamping plate from metal, which worked fine, but then the top plate
> followed the shape of the tank rather than pulling the tank straight, and
> that in turn caused problems with the measuring unit screwing in!. That
> said, if the fitting position is flat, and not to close to the edge,
> fitting should not be a problem.
> The only down side to the system is the stepped readings, which personally
> I do not find a problem, in fact it can be regarded as useful.  I have
> made
> a scale to fit over the gauge, calibrated to show the contents in litres.
> The switches on the unit work on the safe side, so I know I will always
> have slightly more in the tank than the gauge shows, so if I act on the
> gauge contents there should be a built in safety factor.
> All in all I think installing an alternate fuel gauge is well worth while.
> Considering this type offers a remote reading capability at a very
> reasonable price, it is worth a look at.
> Jim Naylor

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