If you want to dump your Terror, an Australian company, Microair, has
launched a rather nice 760 channel radio.
The unit fits in a 2.5 inch dial, has built in intercom, memories and all the
other nice things you expect to find in a good radio. The best thing for
Europa builders is that it is only weighs 14 oz and is 6 inches deep. Oh, and
it costs around US$750! A matching transponder is under development and is
expected to be available in the new year.
You can find more information at http://www.microair.com.au/
I have no commercial connection other than being an impressed customer.
Tony Krzyzewski tonyk@kaon.co.nz
Managing Director Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland New Zealand
Networkers visit www.kaon.co.nz
Aviators visit www.kaon.co.nz/europa/272index.html
and www.kaon.co.nz/saanz/