We see lots of interesting advice from people who have FLOWN borh
taildrag monowheel and trike but really the experience should come from
those who know best......they who have INSTRUCTED on both.
My bet is that anyone who has successfully experienced the students'
reactions is best qualified to compare the skills required. My bet is
that only those inexperienced would question monowheels vs. trikes since
most trikes operate off runways and taildraggers prefer grass. In a
crosswind, ALL taildraggers become monowheels at the start of a landing
anyway. If they don't it ain't a taildown approach.
For the very few minutes it takes to accomplish skill on a
taildragger, one learns the essentials of flight. If it's to be a trike,
might as well take out the stick and pedals and install a heading bug
and altitude capture. Or better still operate it radio-controlled.
Give me that big beautiful wheel every time
Happy (crosswind) Landings,
Ferg #A064