>I too would be interested to know about the taxiing capabilities of the
>Europa in a strong crosswind. Unfortunately every time the subject is
>mentioned people respond with stories about crosswind takeoffs and
landings. > Those are important issues but not the question. Here is a
scenario that >demonstrates my question..
On the day I mentioned earlier, when I called for taxi the wind was 18
gusting 20. The taxi started with the wind from the right. I then turned
into wind for some 30 yards before turning right for some 80 yards with wind
now from the rear left. I then had to turn left through 180 degrees onto the
runway. As I called for take-off the tower responded that the wind was now
20 with frequent gusts to 22 knots.
At no time did it feel uncomfortable or dangerous. I can promise you that if
it had, I would have abandoned the taxi and the take-off, I am not brave or
In fact I did have to abort a take-off run last Friday on a 600 mtr grass
strip when we did not get airbourne by my descision point. The second
attempt had us airbourne well in time and I still do not know exactly why we
didn't get away first time. Probably a combination of things.
Dave Watts 'XDY