> Gidday,
> I am just about to launch into my wings and am considering the plumbing
> the pitot. Firstly, I would like the option of mounting a wing mounted
> static in the future and to that end I will need a hole big enough
> my 1P and 1S blocks to accomodate 2 pieces of tubing. This will lead to
> hole in the order of 20 mm dia. A PFA Mod Summary recently appeared some
> time ago and stated that wing mounted combined pitot/static sources were
> about the most common mod, and therefore I would like to ask if it would
> be adviseable to recess a square of approx 50 mm square for 2 plies of
> prior to the rib layup, centred on the hole, for rib reinforcement.
> I think about holes in ribs, would the wiring for future nav lights need
> conduit greater than 12 mm (1/2")? ( I sincerely doubt it!)
> Any advice would be appreciated
> Reg
> Tony Renshaw
Gidday Tony,
I have just done the calibration test after installing a wing mounted
pitot/static, and I am convinced that next to the tail wheel mod., it is
probably the best thing I've done so far. The test was done over the entire
speed range, flaps up and flaps down, and the greatest error we got was
1Kt. The ASI calibration was checked before fitting, so I now have complete
confidence in the system for the first time.
I used the pitot/static head that Europa have developed for the XS, but I
think the position it is mounted (outboard of the flaps and towards the
trailing edge), is possibly more important than the design. I would highly
recommend reinforcement of the area during wing build, much easier than
doing it as a retro fit.