Well I suppose if you are reading this "it is a good thing!". I don't like
to think I have caused anyone any grief, so if I have for reasons unknown
to me "please let me know!! What grief you ask? Well Ron Swinden opened my
e-mail twice and it crashed his AOL software, or was that OAL? Oh heck, I
don't know what either of these pneumonics means anyway. I have not
received any other replies that might suggest my e-mails are "Crashing
peoples system" Ron, why is this so? I don't understand why a single
message could only crash one machine?? And the comment about reinforcing a
hole for a larger pitot/static conduit with a square patch behind the rib
was not implying I would cut a "square hole to match"! Ron, if you have any
doubts that my e-mails are compromising your system please let me know with
a personal e-mail, rather than implying that any of my e-mails may give the
recipient a CTD!
Any help from those in the know would be appreciated.
Tony Renshaw
>FIrst of all
>If you are going to cut holes in a structure sressed in any meaningful sense
>make it a circle , or nearly so RonS No33
>Next thing is that the e-mail from Tony (Renshaw) appeared to cause me all
>sorts of grief so much so that I had to re install my AOL software and start
>from scratch. I have no proof that Tony's e-mail did it other than after re-
>installing I was able to read the other E- mails that I had downloaded but a
>retrial to read Tony's wiped me out again but I was able to get the
message OK
>thru the copy on jnaylor's copy Ron S No33
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236