<< We carefully filed the top and bottom of the flap actuating arm slots in
the side of the fuselage to act as the up and down stops for the flaps.
File a little at a time on each side as you get close to the final position
as altering the top stop on one side has a slight opposite effect on the
other side . With this method you can very accurately adjust for the
correct flap movement on each side. We also reinforced the inner skin of
the fuselage in the area of the top and bottom of the flap slots with two
layers of bid and flox to thicken it in the area where the flap actuating
arm will abut it.
My DAR is very particular about fiberglass contacting steel or plastic where
the two could vibrate in relation to one another. He insists on a plastic or
rubber interface which is bonded or RTV'ed in place to prevent abrasion. He
says that otherwise the fiberglass could cut through steel or plastic
The above approach seems like it wouldn't pass his criteria and would require
something like rubber hose material between the contacting parts. Perhaps
someone with more experience than I could offer further comments?
Regards, John A044