Interesting observation. What will happen is any protective coating on the
flap cross tube will be abraded away, and rust, etc. At the same time, the
glass should abrade, relieving the pressure on the tube and reintroducing the
original problem.
Therefore, the suggested solution is on track. My idea would be Teflon
plumbers tape in several layers around the tube, held in place with clear
adhesive tape-- relatively easy to replace as a later maintenance item and
additional layers could
fine-tune the flap stop position if some glass/flox wears away.
Fred Fillinger, A063
John J. Moran wrote --
>> My DAR is very particular about fiberglass contacting steel or plastic
>> the two could vibrate in relation to one another. He insists on a plastic
>> rubber interface which is bonded or RTV'ed in place to prevent abrasion.
>> says that otherwise the fiberglass could cut through steel or plastic
>> eventually.
>> The above approach seems like it wouldn't pass his criteria and would
>> something like rubber hose material between the contacting parts. Perhaps
>> someone with more experience than I could offer further comments?