As one begins to wire and plumb, ease of maintenance becomes an issue. For
example, I wish I had used Southco fasteners for the "D" to make access a
little easier.
Instrument panel removal/installation seems as if will be at least awkward and
perhaps difficult. The clearance to the windshield seems minimal and sliding
the panel rearward, it contacts the brake lever before moving far. Access to
connections behind the panel seems limited and awkward.
The washers for master cylinder mounting inside the tunnel were Redux'ed in
place to simplify assembly. Does it ease panel removal to release the brake
master cylinder and drop it down until it's supported in the slot by the wood
handle? Is this even possible?
My plan is to use AMP Mate-n-Lock connectors mounted on aluminum brackets to
the back of the firewall. In addition, a couple of 9 pin D connectors are
required for the EIS; these will be slide locks. Has anyone else used Mate-n-
Lock connectors and if so, how did they work out? Where is the best location
for the connector brackets to ease access?
I used Nyloseal for much of the pitot/static plumbing because it is somewhat
smaller than the tubing supplied and there are very nice nylon Tees and elbows
available which seem to seal when finger tight. I plan to use two of these
Tees as the disconnects when the panel is removed. Is this appropriate or are
there quick connects which would work better for this purpose?
Any thoughts on improving maintainability would be appreciated.
Regards, John A044 Newtown, CT