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The bake!

Subject: The bake!
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 09:39:42
As usual the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go astray.

We tried heating up the glider trailer but we couldn't get it above 38c even 
though it was lined with polystyrene.

I came home. Made a tunnel out of the stage 1 & 2 carboard boxes, laid blue 
foam sheets along the sides and top and covered the lot with every spare 
blanket we had in the house.

Heat was provided by a 2kw fan heater at one end and a 1kw at the other 
blowing in through holes cut in the ends.

I found the best place for the temperature sensors controlling the heaters 
was about 1/3 of the way in from each end, 10cm off the ground and sheltered 
---From the direct air flow from the heaters. To ensure good airflow with the 
oven I put a fan inside to stir the air up. 

The temperature was ramped up at 2c per 15 minutes then baked at 49-50c for 
10 hours before raming back down at the same rate.

A couple of thermometers place about 20cm from the top showed the upper box 
temperature sitting between 49 and 51c for the duration of the bake. I found 
that once the temperature reached 48c the 1kw heater could be left full on 
and the 2kw used via the computer controller top the temperature up. 

I didn't clamp the edges in the end and everything came out of the oven 
straight and true. The pieces are mostly a year old now so are pretty hard 

Two batches down, last one cooks tonight.

Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland           New Zealand

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