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ELT ??

Subject: ELT ??
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 09:26:28
Originally, I planned to install the ELT on the aft side of the baggage
bulkhead. After hearing that the cockpit tends to separate from the tail
section in a crash (disconnecting the antenna), I  am considering mounting it
on the port side near the tailplane torque tube.

The antenna supplied with the ELT is a whip meant for installation on the
exterior of an aluminum fuselage. I considered mounting it on the pitch
pushrod, using the pushrod as part of the ground plane. However, it seems that
the pushrod might separate from the tail section in a crash, disconnecting the
antenna from the ELT. Current plan is to make some type of dipole from wire
and mount it on the side of the fuselage on a strip of laminate attached to
the ELT's mounting bracket in an attempt to keep the ELT and its antenna
connected in a crash.  Use of a copper tape antenna on the fuselage side was
considered but the possibility of the tape breaking due to flexing of the
fuselage during a crash led to rejection of this approach.

Anyone have a better idea on ELT/antenna location for crashworthiness?

John          A044                       Newtown, CT

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