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Hot Ship

Subject: Hot Ship
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 1998 15:32:33
I agree with Graham. I am glad that I did not waste any time and weight on a 
heating system. It is only cool in D-EHBT when the temperatures are below 0 deg

C. Cooling is most important as a lot comes through the fire wall.

By the way I had a strange experienced this weekend.
I was filling up with fuel from my 20 Liter jerry can as usual (In 60 hrs I have

bought only 21 Liters of Avgas). My fuel computer said that I needed about 13 
Liters to fill up. After what seemed like about 5 liters the fuel was up to the

I shook the plane a bit but nothing happened. When I replaced the fuel cap there

was a pop and I heared the usual sound of air exiting the tank vent. When I 
opened the filler cap again the rest of the 13 Liters went in. Has anybody else

had such an experience??

Best regards

Barry Tennant

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