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Re: Europa_Mail:Fuel for thought

Subject: Re: Europa_Mail:Fuel for thought
From: Plantragg Developments <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 06:04:50
Hi! Troy. Yes , I too am very concerned about a circle of fuel laden plastic 
around the cockpit ! My un- approved solution makes a shroud around the plastic
pipe whilst it is between the left hand seat and passenger. There is a brass
union where the pipe leaves the floor ( after the tiny restrictor) and the
pipe then rises through a 1" slot cut into the top of the tunnel spine ( long
enough to enable the whole length of vertical pipe to be seen from above) . It
passes up the seat back area and to another brass union through 90 degrees into
the vertical face of the seat backinto a small brass bundy brake pipe continuing
diagonally across the top of the fuel tank towards the starboard side and
emerges just above the tank vent pipe connection where it again returns by
a 90 degree union into plasticpipe onwards up to the cockpit roof. Dont drill
holes in the roof yet since Roger Bull's forthcomming mod / electric fuel gauge
provides a collection bottle here with a drain pipe to the floorand outside
.The piece of vertical pipe between the seat backs is shrouded by passing 
a larger rigid clear plastic pipe which is sealed at the bottom to the brass
union encapsuling a white plastic strip with a fine black line drawn vertically
upwards behind the plastic fuel pipe. The space between the two pipes is
filled with gliscerene  (? spelling) and a small bubble of air is left at the
top of the two pipes ( allowing for expansion ) and then the whole thing is 
with redux at the top union. When the internal pipe is to a level of fuel
inside then the thin black line is magnified about 5 times by light refraction
and clearly shows the fuel level ! This will save the section of pipe across
the fuel tank top being changed when the plastisc fuel pipe has degenerated.The
only problem I envisage is that it may be necessary to have a small permanent
light shining on the assembly below the tunnel level , but when the fuel gets
down to this level you should be thinking of filling up anyway!!!! Anything
else you wish to know dont hesitate . ---- All info provided without liability
- of course.

> What is the "ASI" gauge that you refered to in the fuel system discusion? I'm
> at that stage of build. I just finished installing a capacitive reading
> system. I still want to have a visual but I'm not sure of the best way after
> all I've read. I hate to run a vent line that could end up with fuel in it
> over my head behind the upholstering. I read in the mail how someone used
> copper tubing above the tank coupled with a section of clear tubing behind the
> seat. But I didn't quite get it. Can anyone help me?
> Thanks everyone. Troy M. #120

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