> What is the "ASI" gauge that you refered to in the fuel system discusion? I'm
> at that stage of build. I just finished installing a capacitive reading
> system. I still want to have a visual but I'm not sure of the best way after
> all I've read. I hate to run a vent line that could end up with fuel in it
> over my head behind the upholstering. I read in the mail how someone used
> copper tubing above the tank coupled with a section of clear tubing behind the
> seat. But I didn't quite get it. Can anyone help me?
> Thanks everyone. Troy M. #120
the solution I have agreed with my inspector is a cpacitive (sp?) sensor and the
related instrument, same as Tony K. However, for the visual check I've cut a 1cm
wide slot into the front baggage bulkhead from just over the tunnel to the top.
This allows me to actually see the fuel in the tank while the airplane is still
the ground.