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Re: wing lights

Subject: Re: wing lights
From: Plantragg Developments <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 20:01:30
Hi!Andrew Robinson, you are obviously along way ahead of me although my kit is
approaching completion----- I haven't even got my PPL yet !!!!( shows a touch
of lunacy perhaps!) Obviously you are aware of VFR ? However concerning your 
on posibility of auto electrical connect for simple NAV lights try exploring
the Escort boot lid connectors or similarly some breeds of Fiat's have them
. All suggestions come without liability and are not yet approved!
BOB Harrison

>         I've recently joined the list. I'm a soon-to-be builder.
>         Since I enjoy night flying, I was wondering about wing-tip
>         lights in light (so to speak) of the removeable wings.
>         I was thinking maybe just an electrical connector at the wing
>         root and another one on the fuselage.
>         Anyone already have a fix for this situation?
>         Andrew

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