>A word of caution to those who reckon they always have about 10 litres of
reserve. I have been doing quite a lot of trailering interspersed with
short flights and therefore no refuelling. Despite never having used
reserve I suddenly noticed the reserve's capacitance gauge reading half. I
suspected the gauge but drained it to check and obtained under 5 litres.
Obviously with a "lowish" main tank and some enthusiastic driving fuel was
slopping out of reserve and into main. I doubt this would occur in flight
but it certainly does on the road so be warned.
This situation will only arise if BOTH the main and reserve are below the
level of the saddle. This means in our case less than 16 litres of fuel (or
in some tank cases less than 20 litres). I would seriously think very
carefully about taking off with this amount of fuel on board, and as soon as
you put more fuel in then both sides will get filled anyway.
Dave Watts 'XDY