I had the same problem and simply arranged a sub miniature lever operated
microswitch (Maplin) connected to the throttle to provide the earth
connection for the hour meter - which has it's positive connected to the
instrument bus. As soon as the throttle is opened slightly the hour meter
is turned on - O.K. it doesn't record tickover time but it does represent a
cheap and foolproof solution.
Roger Mills
C/N 141
> From: Martin J.Tuck <>
> Subject: Re: Hobbs Meter
> Date: 03 October 1998 01:05
> Re: Hobbs Meter
> You can tell I'm working through the instrument panel .... another
> question ...
> I have a Hobbs meter, the installation diagrams of which show connection
> the ignition switch or via an oil pressure switch. I have a standard
> ignition switch, i.e. put the key in and turn for 'Left', 'Right', 'Both'
> and 'Start'.
> Can't see how you could attach the Hobbs to the ignition switch as the
> positions just 'unground' the mags, and the Start position just provides
> power to the start solenoid for as much time as you hold it in that
> position. Am I missing something?
> Not having an oil pressure switch (yet) I'm just wondering if one can be
> used on the Rotax engine - is it electrical or mechanical? (is it
> to the oil return line somewhere). I'd like to know before I buy one.
> Unusually, none of the Bingelis books cover this point.
> Any comments on what others have done would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Martin Tuck
> N152MT
> Wichita, Kansas