In answer to below.
>Can anyone tell me if ...
>a) The Europa web site ever gets updated.
If you mean Europa-Aircraft site then Europa are responsible.
The Europa Club site is now my resposibility. I have had very little
time due to other commitments here and in US to do very much to update.
I constantly monitor the Mail List to ensure a 'tidy' operation
including no 'rubbish' mail.
Its my intention to 'revamp' the Club Website very soon and on that
point would be happy to receive ideas etc.
>b) The Europa Newsletter is still being published. (Issue 19 is last one I
>received - not dated!)
I believe another Newsletter due out imminently.
>If the answer to both of the above is no, then how do the factory keep in
>contact with the builders?
Unfortunately regarding information distribution via Web, it seems that
many Builders do not have or want to have Computer access to Info. Its
Perhaps a PC with Modem should be part of the Kit!
I do believe a 'mod' List status should be accessible somehow with the
Build No. giving an indication of 'cut in' or status of 'mods' relevant
to that No. Perhaps it happens. I'm not sure.
May be a Mod Status sheet with every Manual when issued.
Gerry Holland
Intranet Solutions Inc.
Mobile +44 (0) 374 755889
Office +44 (0) 1761 435706
Fax +44 (0) 1761 432472