Cheers to all, and particularly Steve G:
Kerosene...... A local Recreational Aircraft Assn. (RAA)
homebuilder did his stuff in his barn within which he installed
insulation materials and kerosene heaters. His project called for
several layers of epoxy/glassfibre and were well and truly applied per
design specs.
Several years later, turning final in the circuit at Hamilton
Intl., the aircraft was seen to dive to the surface, all hands lost. The
Board of Enquiry determined that serious delamination had occurred in
the lifting surfaces which led to a fatal loss of control. This was
incurred by the use of kerosene heat appliances. Apparently these often
deviate from correct settings and a fine mist of unburnt kerosene is
wafted throughout. An anethema to proper curing of epoxy, the undetected
kerosene sealed the fate of the aircraft years before its first flight.
Anyway, that's our local experoence with the stuff. Caveat ember.
Happy Landings,