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Wall insulation

Subject: Wall insulation
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 22:51:49
Just don't have a fire if your garage/workshop is attached to your house!
Polystyrene, whilst the cheapest was not possible in my case because of the
fact that its gases are so deadly. I don't really mention this for your
benefit, but moreso for someone who may be researching this area. 
Tony Renshaw

> I have a 20 X 10 "room within a room" -outside walls(2) and ceiling
>insulated with 1" of polystyrene foam and inside walls (which are removable)
>made from 1" battens covered with polythene sheet (double skinned to  form
>an airspace) as the laminating room. 4kW of electric heaters will keep it at
>curing temp during a winter night.
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236

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