Keith wrote:
"I am just about to order and start work on the Stage 1 XS upgrade kit
(Ailerons and Flaps) after purchasing a completed and signed off "Classic"
stage 1 kit. I was wondering before I go ahead and build the full size
(8' x 2'6") mentioned in the manual, will I need this full size bench for
building the rest of the kit, or can the the XS wings be built on saw
I suppose the question I am asking is what is the minimum size work bench
need for the rest of the kit (Ailerons, Flaps and Wings)"
I have completed the flaps, ailerons, stabilators etc. on an 8'x2.5' bench
and would not recommend less. If space is at a premium then it could be one
foot shorter which would make it the length of the flaps (roughly). By
building only one flap or aileron at a time it could be also a foot
narrower. So the choice is yours: more time on the bench or more time on
the flap/aileron construction.
regards, Jonathan Moyle