What do the eye bolts attach to?
-----Original Message-----
From: nigelcharles <NigelCharles@compuserve.com>
Date: Saturday, February 06, 1999 9:36 AM
Subject: Landing Gear Bungee
Once the engine and firewall are fitted it is very difficult to get at the
rubber bungee for adjustments without removing the engine. It is likely
that at least once in the life of the bungee it will need adjusting ( one
Europa needed this after its first flight as the gear could not be raised
A way around the problem which I shall try is to start and finish the
bungee at a pair of eye bolts just in front of the mainwheel. The bungee
then runs forward under the suspension mount and routes around the tubes as
normal. I anticipate using AN45-4 eyebolts which should give a tight
sliding fit for the bungee. This means that the bungee can be tied off
using a figure of eight knot. Although subsequent adjustment will be easier
with the mainwheel removed, this is a great improvement on the original
I have run the idea past Andy Draper who thinks that the idea is
potentially a good one.
Nigel Charles