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Re: Buying built Europas

Subject: Re: Buying built Europas
From: John Wigney <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 10:46:23
I recommend you contact the EAA at Oshkosh, 800-843-3612. If you are not
a member, they will be happy to sign you up. The EAA may have an info
package for the scenario you are looking at, and they can certainly
answer specific questions on purchase of Experimental planes.

Cheers, John Wigney, A099

<<<<<< wrote:
> I have been recieving, and reading, all the Europa mail for 5 months now
> (there certainly is alot). I have really learned much about the this aircraft
> just from all the assistance and support people seem to offer each. I have
> flown with K.P. in his aircraft at one of the EAA Fly-Ins here in California.
> I love the way the aircraft handles and performs. The stability is very
> reassuring, as I've only had my PPL for 18 months (starting to work on my tail
> dragger endorsement as I type). While I have the desire and ability to build
> my own, I may not have the workshop room for a few more years.
> My questions arose from a recent E-Mail about someone selling their Europa.
> Since these are homebuilts, one of the biggest pluses is the ability to do all
> your own maintenance. Would that still be so if you bought one? (FAA's 51%
> rule) If not, would regular A&P mechanics be willing to work on the aircraft
> considering the liability issues? Do these aircraft increase or decrease in
> value with age?
> More questions may come up with discussion, but those are the basics I'd like
> to know about. Thanks in advance for all the answers and the for all that I've
> read so far.
> Mike Duane, RHV San Jose, CA

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