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ACAD LT97 for sale

Subject: ACAD LT97 for sale
From: Robert L. Nuckolls III <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 11:39:53
I have a single copy of Acad Lite 97 for Windows 
NT/95/98 for sale.  $125 postage paid in US.
 . . . .  just the ticket for using the library
of downloadable wiring diagrams available from 
our website. This is new, unregistered,  still-
in-the-shrinkwrap software.

       Bob . . .
                      (o o)
       <  A mind abhors a vacuum . . . >
       <   When deprived of facts,     >
       <  our fantasies are generally  >
       <   much worse than reality.    >

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