Hi everyone
Does anyone know just how accurate the redux mix has to be. Is it as
critical as the SP systems 1%, or will a basic home made measuring device
(as shown in the manual for the epoxy) be good enough? Looking through the
spec sheets, I don't see anything regarding this subject.
Also, regarding the increased weight allowance, is it mandatory to insert
the larger bushes and pins and the cross support, or is it the case as I
have also been told, that providing you change the pins every 50 hours you
don't need to worry about the mod. I am slightly worried, having spent so
long on the wings, about cutting the old bushes out of the spar and even
more concerned about bonding the new ones in properly aligned.
Cheers Ed
ps how is that 6 cyl Jabiru instalation getting on?
////Eddie Hatcher///Bill Lams///Nick Crisp////
///////South East London Flying Group////////