I have been away for a few days and came back to a chain of accident
rate stats that frighten me. Had I known the chances of a dramatic end
to my flying were so threatening, I wouldn't have started. When I was a
kid, my dad said "your chance of making 70 years is 50% if you stand
still. Start walking and you cut your life expectancy in half".
....I've averaged 13 miles an hour over the last sixty years - a third
of it while asleep.....
THEN it dawned on me! I have already spent far to much time in the air!
Since thoughtlessly refusing to die in the past, I have simply slipped
closer to my Maker statistically! The solution was simple.... I shall
just deny all that past flying!; forget nearly everything I ever
experienced!; ignore the past and start again! That means on average
I've got a better chance than some foregoing aviator with 100 hours! Boy
will he be sorry when he clocks his 500,000th hour - he's on the brink
of the abyss, and I'll still have 100 hours to go!
I better speed up this build! That 100 hours in the Europa is going to
be sweet as pie!
Happy Landings!