In message <>, writes
>Hi Folks,
>I'm trying to think of everything I need to do before putting the top molding
>on. One thing that came to mind was grease fittings for the pitch torque tube
>I heard that someone had accomplished this and was wondering; first is it
>necessary, if not, what is the be type of lubricant to apply. I had put some
>anti-seize on them a long time ago but wanted to do something else before
>buttoning everything up. I'm thinking the anti-seize was not a good idea. If
>anyone knows how the best way (and location of access) to install grease
>fittings I'd appreciate your opinions.
Are we talking about the aileron torque tubes and their Tufnol bushes? I
fitted grease nipples to these before installing them in the cockpit
module. In the case of the forward bushes there is not enough material
to drill and tap a hole for a 1/4" grease nipple so I remanufactured
these parts incorporating about 10mm extra material to take the grease
nipples (angled). At the rear there is enough material and grease
nipples were fitted directly. In all cases I machined a grease retention
groove in the Tufnol. Originally I had intended to use a Molyslip type
of grease, but I believe that they also contain graphite and I read
that graphite and moisture can produce electrolytic corrosion with
aluminium. I use Shell Aeroshell grease in all locations.
Ken Whiteley