A pooling of local brains resulted in me drilling a hole through the seat
backs, just large enough to be able to redux an aerosol tube into the
bearing ,similaly such a small diameter hole in both front bearings
enabling an aerosol tube to be inserted enables an aerosol can of suitable
oil to be connected and an appropriate squirt of light oil can then be
injected to where it's needed, or indeed it can be flushed out with a
volatile clensing fluid. I'm using SUPERLUBE PLUS made by LUBESERV. It is a
clear colourless lubricant suitable for use on food machinery, it is
totally resistant to hot, cold or salt water, contains no mineral
hydrocarbons, it is 100% synthetic which will not harden or dry out , it is
non melting with an operating range from -40oC to 340oC !
to grease the tailplane torque tube we have incorporated a grease nipple in
each bearing behind the drive plate .
Hope fully this is of interest ? All IMHO of course and without liability
Bob Harrison 337 G-PTAG
-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth S. Whiteley [SMTP:ken@kenwhit.demon.co.uk]
Sent: 23 September 1999 23:40
Cc: europa@avnet.co.uk
Subject: Re: Grease Fittings
In message <20cd42b7.25168b05@aol.com>, TroyMaynor@aol.com writes
>Hi Folks,
>I'm trying to think of everything I need to do before putting the top
>on. One thing that came to mind was grease fittings for the pitch torque
>I heard that someone had accomplished this and was wondering; first is it
>necessary, if not, what is the be type of lubricant to apply. I had put
>anti-seize on them a long time ago but wanted to do something else before
>buttoning everything up. I'm thinking the anti-seize was not a good idea.
>anyone knows how the best way (and location of access) to install grease
>fittings I'd appreciate your opinions.
Are we talking about the aileron torque tubes and their Tufnol bushes? I
fitted grease nipples to these before installing them in the cockpit
module. In the case of the forward bushes there is not enough material
to drill and tap a hole for a 1/4" grease nipple so I remanufactured
these parts incorporating about 10mm extra material to take the grease
nipples (angled). At the rear there is enough material and grease
nipples were fitted directly. In all cases I machined a grease retention
groove in the Tufnol. Originally I had intended to use a Molyslip type
of grease, but I believe that they also contain graphite and I read
that graphite and moisture can produce electrolytic corrosion with
aluminium. I use Shell Aeroshell grease in all locations.
Ken Whiteley