>>Having said all that about balances, I may finish up getting a resin
>>pump as well, after having enjoyed the convenience of one on the
>>Europa factory Weekend Workshop course.
>Now there's a whole new ball game. Lots of new possibilities for variation.
>Bubbles in pipes, valves sticking, dripping nozzles etc. I expect you will
>be just as pernickerty about it's accuracy. Agree about the convenience.
Agreed that pumps are not foolproof. But then aircraft building would be
unwisely attempted by those who were not unfoolish!!
I have to say though that I`ve had more problems with a set of electronic
scales than I had with the pump (power supply that dies halfway through or
electronics that won`t boot just when everything else is ready); perhaps I
just had a bad set. Intermittent faults were always the most difficult to
Duncan McFadyean