> Throwing your hands up and saying "it's all pretty inaccurate anyway"
>is no way to increase accuracy and certainly won't impress any
>inspector. If one is sloppy in mixing epoxy, maybe there are other
>facets to check. Half the error is commendable, twice the error calls
>for counselling.
Hi Ferg, Graham and all
Please don't misunderstand what I said. And my workmanship was laid bare
for all to see in the homebuilders tent at the PFA Rally at Cranfield 1999.
At which venue I was rather surprised - but, being human, flattered, to have
Europa's Keith Wilson say he'd like to take photos/video of my workmanship
to show new builders 'how it should be done'. Andy Draper was also
In saying what I did, I was simply making the point that a chain is only as
strong as its weakest link. And there's no point in calculating mix ratios
to a thousandth of a gram, when we then resort to mixing resin in the way
that we have to. As a matter of record, I do mix vigorously and thoroughly
... and_always_check the residue in the bottom of the pot after cure, for a
100% effective mix.
Remember also, Fergus, that here in the UK our workmanship is checked by our
PFA inspectors on numerous occasions all the way through the project ... and
not just when the build is complete. For good measure, my inspector also
happens to be a Vice President of the PFA, so he would have much to lose if
he were to pass work which was not up to scratch.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fergus Kyle <fkyle@bigwave.ca>
<rowil@clara.net>; europa@avnet.co.uk <europa@avnet.co.uk>
Date: 18 November 1999 23:02
Subject: Re: electronic scales [was: NEW BUILDER - SCOTLAND]
>Graham Singleton wrote:
>> most of us mix with a round-tipped spatula on a flat-bottomed container
>> (when the
>> >spatula can't get into the 90 degree corner) for one to two minutes at
>> >I suspect a lot of your perceived accuracy of mix goes right out of the
>> >window. It would be interesting to do a scientific analysis of the mix
>> >from different parts of the pot, for a number of homebuilders. I
>> >the results might be a little different from the manufacturers
>> >ratio. IMHO : -)
>> Its always worth checking the residue in the bottom of the pot the
>> after. Any swirl marks, or worse, sticky bits means poor mixing. A little
>> experience will soon teach you good mixing habits.
>> Graham
> Graham has it dead right - check what's left. Of ot ain't hardened
>epoxy, it's inaccurate. HOW INACCURATE depends on how much you allow to
>be unmixxed. I cut off the mixing sticks with a bandsaw and rounded the
>corners in a block so that when a new stick was required, it was
>immediately available, and REDUCED THE ERROR.
> Throwing your hands up and saying "it's all pretty inaccurate anyway"
>is no way to increase accuracy and certainly won't impress any
>inspector. If one is sloppy in mixing epoxy, maybe there are other
>facets to check. Half the error is commendable, twice the error calls
>for counselling.
>Happ7y Landings
>Ferg A064