> Are your talking about wing roots, etc? Do you plan folding or
> removable wings?
Bob - the Europa is designed with removable wings for home storage.
Not all of us wish to pay $5 per night to park on somebody else's
piece of grass.
There are some lucky ones who can keep their Europa rigged in
low-cost hangarage, but many of us still want to make and break wing
connections each time we take it out of the hangar (=garage). In
Europe, not so many of us are planning electrics in the wing as (in
UK at any rate) homebuilts are not allowed to do night or IFR.
However, many folk believe the wingtips are the best places for
strobes. And of course some hope that one day the rules might change
and plan to fit navigation lights anyway. There may also be some
aerial installations that go better in the wing than the fuselage.
For each of these different types of wires, are there any
plugs/sockets that you'd recommend using, to allow frequent
connect/disconnect cycles?
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...