Wait. You'd need something for pitch, too, Graham. So, your idea would
require a third GPS at some distance from the other two to determine
rotation about the lateral axis as well. - Dan Davids
(this can't be the most elegant way to solve this...is it?)
> From: Grahamclk@aol.com
> Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 15:52:37 EST
> Subject: Re: Another horizon?
> In a message dated 27/11/99 18:22:53 Greenwich Standard Time,
> fkyle@bigwave.ca writes:
> << GPS. Just for argument suppose an aircraft in flight - position in
> space determined by satellite,sub"stellar" point on the surface determined by
> system computor >>
> Eh? what's all this ?? !! To generate a horizon something has to change as
> the aircraft rotates about the longitudinal axis. A Gps doesn't give any
> change. If you had two, on the ends of the wings mebbe you could do
> something, but height resolution, noise levels etc. would have to be superb.
> Perhaps this was what was in the Seneca ?
> Graham C.