..Time to throw a hat into the ring....:
I believe there is another source for an artificial horizon. It
promises to be relatively maintenance-free, dependable, fairly accurate,
solid state and useful wherever one can see the sky for the predictable
GPS. Just for argument suppose an aircraft in flight - position in
space determined by satellite, sub"stellar" point on the surface
determined by system computor. Extend the line between the two. Except
for near the poles, the line should intersect the earth's centre. The
only time the vertical accuracy might be called into question is (a)
near the poles and (b) on the surface. I am presuming here that few
Europas will need the cockpit horizon in these two particular cases
(although low flight over the Dead Sea might be a problem).
Why then could not one draw a theoretical lamina perpendicular in all
directions to the vertical - and call it a horizon? In theory, the
higher the aircraft, the more accurate the horizontal......
Why also could not one produce same from the GPS electronically?
I think I'm going to find out why not......
Happy landings
Ferg A064