My workshop is situating little south of Tampere in a small village
named Lemp=C3=A4=C3=A4l=C3=A4 and my Garmin GPSIII says exact at 61 19
473 N & 23 47 709E. So, the workshop in Lule=C3=A5 Sweden is more
northerly. But I have to add something: we have a cottage in Kuusamo.
Near by is also Kuusamo Airport (EFKS) and it lies at 65 59 23 N & 29
14 08 E. We spent The New Year there in the cottage and certainly I was
finishing my tails there (it is nice way to end the Millennium and also
to start the Millennium by building the Europa, try it sometimes!)...
Thank you Rowland! It was nice to hear you remember me. The red Europa
college has been much in use.
I got the big parcel from England 11.3.1999. The workshop was completed
I have spent hours as follows (XS Mono 417)
Preparations, conversations, thinking... 132 hrs
38 hrs
59 hrs
19 hrs
Tailplane assemby 15 hrs
Of course also hundreds of hours of day & night dreaming but cannot
Could you please continue my list, it would be interesting!
The weight of my rudder is 1,8 kg (with rudder horn)
The weight of my half tail with tab without TP4 tube is 4,4 kg
Could you also continue this list!
Some builder here in Finland have lost one of his finger, two houses and
three wifes during his project. I will not. That is why I am an avarage
only once a week in my workshop.
It is really lonely here to build Europa but I will contact Swedish
builders soon. Hope to see them in Barkaby, the great airshow in
Stockholm next summer. Europa project was also the main reason for me to
start to use E-mails and internet, it really makes the ball smaller. I
have got also great help from my friend who is building Lancair IVP
(pressurized four-seater) near by.
They have been also extremely helpful in Europa-Aircraft. Most of my
problems have been translation problems. But day after day I understand
more about Experimental English and those stories about pet alligator...
I wanna also write something about heating and keeping the layups at the
right temperature:
I builded my workshop from the 300 mm thick bars of light concrete. It
is very good isolation material. It is large enough for completed Europa
(7x 9 m2) and the total
cubic meters are over 200. In Finland we calculate it need heating power
30 W /1 m3 in normal house, so it means for me 6 kW. I have only one
very heavy 2 kW electric mass-heater and it gets power during "night
electricity" which costs only 0,15 FIM /1 kWh 0,017=C2=A3 /1 Kwh
0,025=E2=82=AC /1 kWh 0,025$ /1 kWh. It is enough to keep it over +
10 C (any weather). When I go to work I start the fan with 9 kW heater
and in half an hour there will be over + 25 C and I must reduce the
power. Humidity is typically around 35 %.
So the lay-ups are happy (and look like satin appear)!
With Best Wishes
ps: I will send this by Unicode E-Mail and some marks may appear