>I found that Homebase are selling (at 7.79 pounds) spare
>diamond-edge blades for a Plasplugs tile cutting machine.
>I haven't yet made any aeroplane layps to try it on, but on the raw
>edges of my Northwick trailer (supplied as a semi-kit) it makes a
>much cleaner cut with a narrower kerf than the usual fibre-type
>angle-grinder cutting wheel.
Now I know it's infra dig to reply to one's own posting, but I really
should apologise for putting up erroneous information.
Several folk have gently pointed out that Europa layups are unlikely
to need this type of approach, and the recently-mentioned Tuff Snips
or a Demel cut-off wheel are more suitable tools. On the trailer, I
am trimming back over forty feet of about 6mm thick well-cured layup
of chopped strand mat, and there is no way I'm going to get through
that with scissors!
So, disregard what I said in the initial posting. And the moral of
the story is: "don't offer advice about something you haven't done
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...