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Re: Covered trailer and dolly

Subject: Re: Covered trailer and dolly
From: J <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 19:29:03
Thank you, John Anselmi, for your thoughtful reaction. You're right, I need to
get out of my chair and look at solutions in the glider world. They may not be
directly applicable ofcourse. For one thing, if the trailer must be as short as
possible, it probably has to carry the a/c tail first (like the factory

> A fold out ramp with tracks for the fuselage cradle is very successful,
> especially if it has a jacking system to allow the wheel to be retracted.

I understand that the ramp has the jacking system and lifts the wheeled cradle
that then lifts the a/c weight off its (main) wheel, is that right?

In old Europa mail I found an intriguing entry (27/07/97) on "Fuselage
manipulation" by Graham Singleton:
"I have the two wheel jacking dolly, very useful for rigging and checking
retraction, etc. but not yet built a trailer for it."
Is this two wheel jacking dolly a well known item, that I could acquire

Jan de Jong

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