Dear Tony
The cables are long to enable an easy run from the opposite side of the engine
compartment of the carburettor for which it is intended. There should be no
to cut the cables, but you may do so if you wish a different routing.
Bear in mind you will need a certain amount of slack to take account of engine
movement. Try to avoid curving the cables with small radii. The nipples used
are the solderless variety; two are already on the carb's, the other two are
provided in the installation kit.
Kind Regards
Andy Draper
Technical Manager
>>> "Tony Krzyzewski" <> 02/17/00 02:48am >>>
I note that the throttle and choke cables allow me to place my engine some
four feet in front of the firewall if I wish.
Is this permissible?
Ignore the previous question.
Real questions....
What have people done with their spare cable?
Has anyone cut them down to length?
If so, do the ends require nipples to be fitted or can they be left without
Tony S Krzyzewski Kaon Technologies Ltd
Managing Director PO Box 9830, Newmarket
Ph 64 9 520 4631 Auckland
Fx 64 9 520 3321 New Zealand
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