Bravo, James Nelson!!
Bearing buddies are OK for the teeny trailer with the 8foot Sabot and
the tiddly oars. Having had the failure to the inner cone as described
by "europajim", I can serve as confirmation to his words.
When we are readying the WW II aircraft annually, the bearings come off
and are 'palmed' on both sides until sated with grease.
What one does is to take a tablespoon or more of the icky stuff onto
the palm of the stupid hand, grasp the bearing at the periphery with the
smart hand, and slap the bearing into the grease - rotating the bearing
with each slap until the 360degs is done. Then, turn over the bearing
and repeat for the side - replenishing the icky as required. Like
banging your head against the wall, after a while it becomes fun.
Familiarity will quickly tell you when the bearing is packed, as excess
icky comes out the top.
Yours for icky,
Ferg #A064