Your problem could have been sweat! I noticed doing my flaps you spend a
fair amount of time leaning over the job and stressing :-))
That would do it. I noticed it happened, or nearly did once or twice to me,
before I mopped the brow.
Tony Renshaw
>>On my latest layup (underside of flap) overnight whilst curing two bubles
>>have appeared (they weren't there last night before I went to bed!).
>>Although small about the 10mm x 5mm they are noticeble (to me anyway).
>>What should I do - this hasn't occured on any of my previous layups so it's
>>a first for me.
>Try and guess how they happened. Did it get warmer overnite so air in the
>foam expanded? A small amount of cured resin on the cloth causing fibres to
>spring away from a flat plane? If you know the cause you can avoid it next
>If there is little or no raised area inject and forget. If there is a bump
>best to sand off to a long (20:1 minimum ) taper then repair and sand flat.
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236