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AW: Tuhoomit maicon sern

Subject: AW: Tuhoomit maicon sern
Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 11:43:41
but then, why not go for the Navaid-Servo ? It is strong enuff to
move the entire aileron and it reacts much faster than a spindle-motor
motor affecting only a small tab.

Don't get me wrong. I understand the fun-factor fully (it gives me
a childish joy to see the stick being moved by ghostly hands while
in flight). I am convinced however, that the Navaid serves better
as the reaction time in wing-level mode is better than human reaction.


<Thomas, N81EU>

-----Ursprngliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2000 23:43
Betreff: Tuhoomit maicon sern

The aileron trim tab saga:
        I think the question was: Why have one?
        My reason is to use the datastream from GPS to control the trim
to provide a banking signal to keep the aircraft on track to the next
GPS checkpoint, not especially for trim. Who knows, Maybe both......
        That is, laziness....... and fun. 
Happy landings
Ferg #A064

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